WTS Chat and Chew April

Women Thriving Solo April Chat and Chew

Enjoy a light brunch, new friends and an inspirational message. Brunch $5 at the door Education Building, second floor, EC 252.

Speaker – Neppie Alexander, Faith Community Nursing, will be sharing with us the Wellness Wheel.  In this model, factors are described as faith life, medical care, movement, nutrition, work, emotional/mental health, nutrition, and relationships with friends & family. Familiar Bible stories may be used to illustrate basic ideas as participants consider their own strengths, needs, and resources, including the many blessings of participation in the congregational life of a faith community.

WTS Chat and Chew April

Reminder: No Wednesday night activities on Dec. 20, 27 & Jan. 3 
Wednesday night activities will be back Jan 10 

Reminder: No Wednesday night activities on Dec. 27 & Jan. 3 
Wednesday night activities will be back Jan 10 

Reminder: No Wednesday night activities on Jan. 3 
Wednesday night activities will be back Jan 10 

⚠️December 31 service schedule change ⚠️
This Sunday, we will have one combined service at 10:45 AM

⚠️ November service schedule change on November 26 ⚠️
This Sunday, we will have one combined service at 10:45 AM