Shuttle Parking starts THIS Sunday!
Let us help you navigate through our parking lot construction with ease. Simply park at Sunstar (12490 Ulmerton Rd.) from 8:15 AM – 12:30 PM. We’ll provide shuttle transportation from your car to the Family Life Center for studies and to the Worship Center for church service.
Once your Sunday studies have concluded, we’ll take you right back to your vehicle at Sunstar. Signage on our campus and at Sunstar will designate the shuttle pick up locations.
This is a great opportunity to receive front door drop off to key buildings on campus while also eliminating the potential frustration of finding a parking spot during our campus improvement process.
And we continue to ask our staff and volunteers to park at the Thrift Center to open as many parking spaces on campus for those who need it. We’re so grateful for our generous church family!
Finally, if you have an event, like Next Steps Lunch, or another activity after church services, we ask that you park on our campus. Our last shuttle will depart from campus at 12:30 pm and your safety is our top priority.